More time with clients, less frustrating work with sales 

In B2B sales, it can take months to close sales. When working towards sales goals, it is easy to forget to acquire new potential customers to the beginning of the sales pipeline. In most cases, the time of more experienced salespeople is best used for customer meetings, offer presentations and closing sales.

Ratkaisuvaihtoehtoina myynnin alkupäähän on sitten palkata oma junior-myyjä, bookkaustiimi tai hankkia buukkausta ulkopuolelta. Mikäli ratkaisun tekee itse, ongelmaksi muodostuu edelleen se miten ylläpitää työn mielekkyyttä ja taitotasoa. Ulkopuolisten kumppaneiden kanssa puolestaan haasteeksi muodostuu rakentaa yhteinen ymmärrys ja varmistaa, että kumppani varmasti hallitsee asian, sekä saa tuloksia. 

It is precisely to solve these problems that the customer acquisition expert company Strongest Group was established. We are B2B customer acquisition professionals and focus on the beginning of the sales process. In our operations, everything is aimed at ensuring that our customers succeed and are able to make profitable sales. That's why we choose the clients we believe we can help. The collaboration always begins with a kickoff workshop, where the teams get to know each other, and we build a story and pitch that speaks to the customer. Then we start contacting customers, and scheduling meetings into the calendars of your sales team. In the early stages of our companionship, we pay a lot of attention to what works and what does not work. If necessary, we make quick changes to get the best results for our customers. Throughout the companionship, we communicate and bring you news about the market and development ideas for your business. If necessary, we export all data received during the calls directly to your systems and even send confirmation messages on behalf of your sales team. This allows our customers to focus on their business.

Strongest Group's strengths are our joyful energy and the ability to get customers in a better mood 😄

We have been able to get results where many others have had to give up.  

Interested in hearing more? Book an appointment with our Customer Acquisition Specialist and we will discuss more about your needs and how Strongest Group could help your organisation to get more profitable sales.
